कमर जन सुविधा केंद्र कटिया कम्मू शाहजहाँपुर उत्तर प्रदेश भारत

नियर नूरी जमा मस्जिद E-MAIL-


1.             INTRODUCTION

The Awaas+ mobile app, developed under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Gramin (PMAY-G), was launched by Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi in Bhubaneshwar on 17th September 2024.


The application aims to simplify the identification and inclusion of additional deprived households for housing assistance. It is a cutting-edge initiative aimed at identifying eligible beneficiaries through a comprehensive AI-enabled face authentication technology-based app for household survey.


The app captures details of potentially eligible households, including geo- tagged photograph of the present dwelling and the proposed site for construction of PMAY-G house.The app ensures:

·        Accuratedatacollection,

·        Focusontransparencyand

·        Easeofusefor bothcitizensandofficials


1.     Self-Survey

2.     AssistedSurvey

3.     HousingTypologySelection

4.     FaceAuthentication

5.     Online&OfflineMode

6.     DataCapturingofHHs

7.     TimeStamped&geo-taggedphotos.







       AnycitizenwithavalidAadhaarnumbercanloginintoAwaasPlususingself-survey feature. Only one self-survey can be done from one device.




       Theself-surveycanbeconductedbyeitheramemberofthebeneficiaryhousehold oranauthorizedrepresentative.AccesstotheapplicationwillrequireAadhaar- based e-KYC verification.

       Face authentication-based e-KYC using Aadhaar is the sole method of authentication for accessing the application.




       Afterloggingintotheapplication, optionstoaddanewsurvey, edit anexisting one, or upload a completed survey will be displayed.

       Whileconductingsurvey,locationofthehouseholduptovillagelevelisrequired. Only LGD compliant Districts, Blocks, GPs and villages are available for selection.

       StatenamewillautomaticallybefixedbasedontheaddressfetchedfromAadhaar. Self-survey to be done in the village where beneficiary is residing.




       The first part of the survey requires gathering essential personal information for all household members including their Aadhaar numbers, mobile numbers, and other socio-economic details.

       Afterprovidingtherequiredinformation,onefamilymembermustbeselectedas the potential beneficiary based on the following considerations:

·        If the family includes female members, the female family member must beselected as the beneficiary.

·        If the family has no female members, any family member can be chosen as the beneficiary.


Face authentication-based e-KYC of the chosen potential beneficiary is mandatory, however:

       If e-KYC of beneficiary cannot be performed due to issues such as no internet connectivity, unavailability of Aadhaar, non-updation of biometric data in Aadhaar, etc., the app will allow the beneficiary's face to be captured and stored, so that eKYC can be conducted later.





       The option to enter the potential beneficiary's bank account details will become available in the next step. However, it is not mandatory as any benefits will be disbursed later through the Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB).




       In the next part of the survey, responses to a questionnaire about the type of house willberecorded.All questions areobjectiveinnature, andthispartofthe survey must be carried out with due diligence.

       Photos of the family’s existing house and the proposed site (if they are found eligible and receive benefits under PMAY-G) should be captured in the next stage.

       Thesephotosaregeo-taggedandtimestampedtorecordtheirexactlocationand time are recorded. These photos will then be analysed using AI models to assess eligibility.

       If the household is found eligible and receives benefits under PMAY-G, the proposed site will serve as the reference point for setting up a geo-fence.




                       In the final phase of the survey application, users will be presented with options for housing designs and mason training programs. While the users can select any housing design, the chosen design will be considered as preference only.


       After completing the survey application, a preview of the submitted information willbe displayed. User must then provide a declaration confirming the accuracy and truthfulness of the details provided.

       If any information is found to be incorrect later at the time of scrutiny, household may be held responsible and will be liable for necessary administrative action.

       Thesurveywillsaveautomaticallyaftereachscreen,allowinguserstoaccessoredit itanytimebeforesubmission.Oncethesurveyisfinalizedanduploadedtothe server, no further modifications can be made.




       Any survey conducted without completing the beneficiary's e-KYC will be considered incomplete.

       The incomplete surveys identified in the previous step will be accessible to the self- surveyor, who will have the option to reopen and complete the e-KYC process later. Completing e-KYC is mandatory for finalizing the self-survey. For self-surveys, beneficiary is responsible for updating the Aadhaar details and completing the e-KYC process on the App.




       All self-survey cases will be stored separately, and their reports on the portal will be maintained separately from assisted survey cases.




       All Self-Survey cases must be corroboratedby a designated surveyor of the Gram Panchayat. Once uploaded, the self-survey cases will be made available in assisted survey login for corroboration by the surveyor.


       While corroborating any self-survey case, the surveyor must submit digital evidence and an undertaking.

       The outcome of this corroboration process will be communicated to self-survey applicants via SMS, and will also be visible in their self-survey login on the App.

       Afterthesurveyorcompletesthecorroborationprocess,higherauthoritieswill verify the cases based on the recommendations provided. The surveyors have no authority to delete/reject any of the self-survey cases.


       Intheself-surveycaseswherecorroborationevidencealignswiththecaptured survey details, a designated checker, who must be a government employee from any relevant department, must randomly verify 10% of the cases. Further, the Block Development Officer (BDO) or equivalent officer must verify 5% of such cases, and a District-level officer must verify 2% of such cases.

       Forself-surveycaseswherecorroborationevidencedeviatesfromthecaptured survey information, a designated checker of that GP must verify 100% of cases, the Block Development Officer (BDO) or equivalent must verify a minimum of 10% ofcases, and a district level authority must verify 2% of such cases.

       Similarly, If any deviation is found by the checker during the verification process, all suchcasesaretobeverifiedonthelinesofpara2.13.2.Thecheckerhasno authority to delete/reject any of the self-survey cases.


       The above survey verifications are to be performed using the AwaasPlus 2024 Apponly. Accordingly, the app will have a separate module to verify survey cases.



       Before sending the list to the Gram Sabha for verification, it is essential to verify that the job card details of the surveyed household are correct. Validation and deduplicationoftheMGNREGAjobcardwillbedoneviaNREGASoft,andtheresult of this exercise will be available on the App.




       After verification by the Gram Sabha, the list will be reviewed by the appellate committee. The final approval of the list will only be granted after it has been vettedby the appellate committee.







       VerificationfornumberofGramPanchayatsandVillagestoGramPanchayats mapping by Blocks/Districts.





       Only registered and approved surveyors can login into AwaasPlus using assisted-survey feature.



       Fortheinstanceswherethesurveyor'sinitiale-KYChasn’tbeencompletedon this device

       Face authentication-based e-KYC must be performed. This step requires an active internet connection.


       Faceauthentication-basede-KYCusingAadhaaristhesolemethodofauthentication for accessing the application.

       If the surveyor has already completed the initial e-KYC on this device, the app can be accessed using the device-specific PIN created as outlined in point above step.



       Afterloggingintotheapplication, optionstoaddanewsurvey, edit anexisting one, or upload a completed survey will be displayed.

       Whenstartinganewsurvey,theuserwillonlybeabletoselectGramPanchayats and villages that are specifically mapped to them.


       The surveyor is required to perform his/her face authentication every time a new household survey is to be added.

       If internet connectivity is unavailable, the app will allow the surveyor's face to be captured, stored and move ahead with the process. This face authentication will be processed later, either in offline mode or when the data is uploaded.




       The first part of the survey requires gathering essential personal information for all household members including their Aadhaar numbers, mobile numbers, and other socio-economic details.

       Afterprovidingtherequiredinformation,onefamilymembermustbeselectedas the potential beneficiary based on the following considerations.

       Ifthefamilyincludesfemalemembers,thefemalefamilymembermustbeselected as the beneficiary.

       If the family has no female members, any family member can be chosen as the beneficiary.



       Face authentication-based e-KYC of the chosen potential beneficiary is mandatory, however:

       If e-KYC of beneficiary cannot be performed due to issues such as no internet connectivity, unavailability of Aadhaar, non-updation of biometric data in Aadhaar, etc., the app will allow the beneficiary's face to be captured and stored, so that eKYC can be conducted later.




       The option to enter the potential beneficiary's bank account details will become available in the next step. However, it is not mandatory as any benefits will be disbursed later through the Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB).



       In the next part of the survey, responses to a questionnaire about the type of house willberecorded.All questions areobjectiveinnature, andthispartofthe survey must be carried out with due diligence.

       Photos of the family’s existing house and the proposed site (if they are found eligible and receive benefits under PMAY-G) should be captured in the next stage.

       Thesephotosaregeo-taggedandtimestampedtorecordtheirexactlocationand time are recorded. These photos will then be analysed using AI models to assess eligibility.

       If the household is found eligible and receives benefits under PMAY-G, the proposed site will serve as the reference point for setting up a geo-fence.



       In the final phase of the survey application, users will be presented with options for housingdesignsandmasontrainingprograms.Whiletheuserscanselectany housing design, the chosen design will be considered as preference only.



       After completing the survey application, a preview of the submitted information willbe displayed. User must then provide a declaration confirming the accuracy and truthfulness of the details provided.

       Ifanyinformationisfoundtobeincorrectlateratthetimeofscrutiny,surveyors shall be accountable and administrative action maybe taken by the competent authority.

       Thesurveywillsaveautomaticallyaftereachscreen,allowinguserstoaccessoredit itanytimebeforesubmission.Oncethesurveyisfinalizedanduploadedtothe server, no further modifications can be made.



       Appwillalsoworkinofflinemode,Surveyorcandomultiplesurveysbefore uploading them. However, before each survey the surveyor is required to perform his/her face authentication as mentioned previously.

       Any survey conducted without completing the beneficiary's e-KYC will be considered incomplete.ThedepartmentwillissueaseparateStandardOperatingProcedure (SOP) to guide the completion of e-KYC for such cases.

       Duringthesurvey,ifissuessuchasproblemswithfaceidentification,orincomplete e-KYC arise, these cases will be categorized as "incomplete surveys." These cases will then be reviewed by a higher authority, who will initiate necessary actions, including:

       Assisting in Creation/Update of beneficiary's Aadhaar and then capturing the data again.

       Completing e-KYC through various methods such as camp mode, beneficiary visits to the office, using banking services.

       The incomplete surveys identified in the previous step will be accessible to the surveyors, who will have the option to reopen these surveys and complete the e-KYC process.



       For a Gram Panchayat to be marked as "completed the survey activity" the following verification criteria must be met through randomly selected cases. AwaasPlus 2024will have the separate module for verification of the survey cases.

       A designated checker (who must be a government employee from any relevant department) must verify 10% of the cases.

       5%ofthecasesmustbeverifiedbytheBlockDevelopmentOfficer(BDO)orany other equivalent officer.


       Multiple officers at the block or district level can be authorized to perform this verification.

       Above survey verifications are to be performed using AwaasPlus 2024 App only. Accordingly, the app will have a separate module for verification of surveycases.



       Before sending the list to the Gram Sabha for verification, it is essential to verify that the job card details of the surveyed household are correct. Validation and deduplicationoftheMGNREGAjobcardwillbedoneviaNREGASoft,andtheresult of this exercise will be available on the App.

       AfterverificationbytheGramSabha,theappellatecommitteewillreviewthelist. The final approval of the list will only be granted after the appellate committee has vetted it.



4.1.1.Ifanyinformationisfoundtobeincorrectlateratthetimeofscrutiny,the concernedofficial(s)involvedinthesurveyprocess,shallbeheldaccountable andthecompetentauthorityshalltakenecessaryadministrativeactionagainst the erring officials.


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